دوستان متعددی ابراز علاقه کرده بودند که در مورد تحصيل در استراليا (اپتومتری) اطلاعاتی بدست آورند. با عرض پوزش به انگليسی می نويسم چون کسی که به اين اطلاعات نياز دارد، در نهايت چاره ای جز عادت کردن به اين زبان ندارد. خيلی راحت می توانيد تشخيص دهيد که آيا اين اطلاعات مورد نياز شما هست يا خير: اگر اينکه مطلب را به انگيسی در اينجا درج کرده ام، به نظرتان مسخره می آيد، قطعاً اين اطلاعات مورد نياز شما نيست و قطعاً قرار نيست در کشوری که به اين زبان صحبت می کنند زمانی را صرف کنيد.
1) To enrol for a course at UNSW, everything can be done over the internet.
1) To enrol for a course at UNSW, everything can be done over the internet.
How to do it? Read below, but what you read here is just the start. I'll write more later.
a) First of all go to google.com and type in UNSW optometry. This will lead you to the home page of UNSW optometry. Familiarise yourself with the site as much as you can. Believe you me, you will NEED it. The top of the page is the logo and just web art. Below that there are buttons. Click on "Staff directory" and then click on "Academic staff" on the page that comes up. You should then see a table with the names of the academic (professors/ teachers; whatever you prefer). Click on each of the names and read what each professor is researching. Try to match their interests with your own
b) Then again google, but this time type in Vision CRC Australia. Read as much as you can. Especially look under the button on the left hand side "Would you like to ...". Another very important page will be "Feature PhD". On the Vision CRC homepage (the same page where you found "Would you like to...". There is another button, "Latest News". Place your mouse on the butoon without clicking on it. A menu pops up. Click on "Feature PhD" in that menu. You'll not find me there, : ) (well ..., not yet) but whoever it is that is featured there, she/he must be doing well and you can learn a lot from what she/he has been doing. On the top of the page, where it is written "Feature PhD" in a dark red (maroon) font, see the tiny word "archive". Click on it and you'll find more of that, a lot more! Read what each student has done and is doing. This will tell you about the projects money is spent on and about scholarships and achievements the student has succeeded with. You can do it to.
c) In the meantime while you are reading the materials above, start collecting all the documents you can, and take them for official translation; things that tell that you are scientifically oriented and in love with science. Anything that shows that you have been doing whatever you could and you'll be capable of handling a research project. What they want to see in you is that you can start a project and handle it with the least of help from others. Help will be there when you need it for a project, but they prefer those candidates who are more pro-active and capable of doing the project even all alone if approved. Don't worry too much, I wasn't like that myself, especially when I started, but still I came through. I received a lot of help, and am still receiving, and maybe that is why as of this date (12.03.2008) you can not yet see me there among the featured PhDs on the website. But I'll be there someday, and soon. So you can too! You can! You can!
d) When you find out what you want to do as a researcher, and with whom (which of the professors) you prefer to do it, write to the person by email. By that time you should have a rough research title in your mind which may change several times later (change is alright). You tell the prson about your research idea. You should have some interest in the title you are giving, interested enough to spend 3-4 years of your life living with the title every moment.
a) First of all go to google.com and type in UNSW optometry. This will lead you to the home page of UNSW optometry. Familiarise yourself with the site as much as you can. Believe you me, you will NEED it. The top of the page is the logo and just web art. Below that there are buttons. Click on "Staff directory" and then click on "Academic staff" on the page that comes up. You should then see a table with the names of the academic (professors/ teachers; whatever you prefer). Click on each of the names and read what each professor is researching. Try to match their interests with your own
b) Then again google, but this time type in Vision CRC Australia. Read as much as you can. Especially look under the button on the left hand side "Would you like to ...". Another very important page will be "Feature PhD". On the Vision CRC homepage (the same page where you found "Would you like to...". There is another button, "Latest News". Place your mouse on the butoon without clicking on it. A menu pops up. Click on "Feature PhD" in that menu. You'll not find me there, : ) (well ..., not yet) but whoever it is that is featured there, she/he must be doing well and you can learn a lot from what she/he has been doing. On the top of the page, where it is written "Feature PhD" in a dark red (maroon) font, see the tiny word "archive". Click on it and you'll find more of that, a lot more! Read what each student has done and is doing. This will tell you about the projects money is spent on and about scholarships and achievements the student has succeeded with. You can do it to.
c) In the meantime while you are reading the materials above, start collecting all the documents you can, and take them for official translation; things that tell that you are scientifically oriented and in love with science. Anything that shows that you have been doing whatever you could and you'll be capable of handling a research project. What they want to see in you is that you can start a project and handle it with the least of help from others. Help will be there when you need it for a project, but they prefer those candidates who are more pro-active and capable of doing the project even all alone if approved. Don't worry too much, I wasn't like that myself, especially when I started, but still I came through. I received a lot of help, and am still receiving, and maybe that is why as of this date (12.03.2008) you can not yet see me there among the featured PhDs on the website. But I'll be there someday, and soon. So you can too! You can! You can!
d) When you find out what you want to do as a researcher, and with whom (which of the professors) you prefer to do it, write to the person by email. By that time you should have a rough research title in your mind which may change several times later (change is alright). You tell the prson about your research idea. You should have some interest in the title you are giving, interested enough to spend 3-4 years of your life living with the title every moment.
All the above, may take 2-6 months to do. If you are really special, you may do it in a shorter time. I wasn't that much special, but I did it (though took me a long time to do it) and you can too. You can! You just may not know! But if you are here and you have read it all up to here, then you certainly can, and you will be a lot wiser if you'll believe you can.